Episode #34 Nutritious and Delicious with Diana Weil

Body of Wonder Podcast A healthy lifestyle begins with the foods we put on our plate. According to our guest, integrative nutritionist Diana Weil, a daily practice of eating well can be both delicious and rewarding.

Diana is a nutritionist, certified integrative and holistic health coach, and yoga instructor who works with clients to optimize their well-being through their relationships with food.

Diana joins us on this episode to discuss creating healthy relationships with food and understanding what your body needs.

Her philosophy is, "food doesn’t just taste good, it does good."

In this conversation, Diana tackles common food misconceptions and makes suggestions on how to surround yourself with healthy options. She offers strategies to address anxiety and stress around eating. Dr. Weil addresses widespread myths about diet trends, including meat-exclusive diets and fear of vegetables. Dr. Maizes discusses how feasting has been a source of social connection and pleasure for humans throughout history, and why it continues to be practiced today.
Let’s enjoy!

Please note, the show will not advise, diagnose, or treat medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or healthcare provider for questions regarding your health.

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Andrew Weil, MD and Victoria Maizes, MD


Diana Weil

Diana Weil is a Certified Nutrition Specialist with a Master of Science in Nutrition and Integrative Health. She owns a private practice working with clients to optimize their well-being with an emphasis on creating a healthy relationship with food. She is also a Certified Integrative and Holistic Health Coach as well as a yoga instructor. Most importantly, however, she has a passion for healthy living and food that doesn't just do good, but also that looks and tastes good

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